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Moth Album #1

Simple key to major moth groups in GALLERY A. 

The silhouettes are general in nature, and there are exceptions in each group.

* Some of the moth silhouettes are from


(Hover on the moth silhouette and           to view album)

Silkworm Moths

Moderate-sized moths having larvae that feed on leaves and spin cocoons of commercially usable silk and including the domesticated silkworms (genus Bombyx).


Butterfly Moths

Distinguished by their resting posture, which is the most butterfly-like, with the wings held closely over the back. 


Metalmark Moths

Small moths often bearing metallic scales and are mostly day-flying (some also come to lights), with a jerky, pivoting behaviour, and may fluff up their wings at an extreme angle.


Cossid Millers

These moths are mostly grey in color; some have long narrow wings and resemble hawkmoths. Many are twig, bark or leaf mimics.

Grass Moths

Variable in appearance.  Some are inconspicuous, while other subfamilies include brightly coloured and patterned insects which rest in wing-spread attitudes.

Hook-tip Moths

Medium-sized, broad-winged moths with short bodies. Many species in the Drepanid family have a distinctively hook-shaped apex to the forewing, leading to their common name of hook-tips.


Monkey Moth

Family of large moths having strongly pectinate antennae and lacking proboscis and tympanum. The Caterpillars of this family are very hairy, and the hairs can often cause skin irritation in sensitive people.


Euteliid Moths

Adults of this group typically rest with their wings folded and their abdomen curled upward, leading them to look like dried leaves.


Geometer Moths

Adults usually have slender bodies and relatively large, broad forewings, often crossed by thin wavy lines. Many geometrid moths hold their wings away from the body and flat against the substrate.


Eggars and Lappet Moths

They are called 'lappet moths' due to the decorative skin flaps found on the caterpillar's prolegs. The name 'eggars' comes from the neat egg-shaped cocoons of some species.


Slug Moths

They are small, hairy moths, with reduced or absent mouthparts and fringed wings. They often perch with their abdomens sticking out at 90° from their thoraces and wings.


Owlet Moths

Family of robustly built moths. Most have drab forewings, although some have brightly coloured hindwings. Differences between the sexes are usually few.

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